Co-op serves up new Stockbridge store following £740,000 investment
The Raeburn Place Foundation is pleased to welcome the new Co-op store to the Raeburn Place development.
Opened today, the store runs on 100% renewable electricity and offers Costa Coffee, a bakery, self-service tills and hot food alongside fresh, heathy produce, award winning wines, ready meals, free-from and vegan products, Fairtrade, food-to-go and everyday essentials.
To celebrate its arrival in the Stockbridge, Co-op is providing food donations and hampers to two local care homes including a tablet device for each home so residents can stay connected with loved ones over Christmas.
And as part of Co-op’s Food Share scheme – which works to minimise food waste and support local not-for-profit organisations who tackle food poverty – the store has partnered with Edinburgh’s Refugee Community Kitchen to put unsold food to good use. Stockbridge’s Co-op will also be donating £300 worth of stock to the charity along with 30 warm branded Refugee Community Kitchen jackets for volunteers to wear this winter and £750 to cover maintenance for volunteers who use bicycles to deliver food around the city.
Stockbridge residents are also invited to submit suggestions in store to improve the community as part of the retailer’s Make A Wish scheme – with £5,000 going towards the winning entry.
David Hobday, Co-op Store Manager, said: “We are delighted to have the opportunity to make such a significant investment in Stockbridge and look forward to serving our community. The store has a great look and feel, and we have worked to develop the range, choice, products and services locally that will create a really compelling offer and enable the store team to serve the community quickly, easily, safely and, conveniently.”
Graeme Cranston, Co-op Area Manager, said: “We are committed to connecting communities and making a difference locally, and to operating at the heart of local life. We also want customers to know that they can become a Member of the Co-op. In addition to unlocking additional value and personalised offers, our Members make a difference to local causes, with Co-op now donating 2% to community causes every time a Member swipes their Membership card when buying own branded products.”
Rental income from the high-quality retail space in the Foundation’s development will provide the annual income necessary to ensure the Foundation's financial sustainability and enable us to meet our charitable objectives, which include the advancement of public participation in sport and the advancement of heritage. In practical terms, this includes actively supporting sports organisations, including Edinburgh BATs, a community youth rugby programme, other charitable initiatives and the Museum of International Rugby, as well as maintaining the facilities and sports ground at Raeburn Place.
Read the Edinburgh Evening News article here for more details of the new store.