Completion of enabling works
We are delighted with the results of our enabling work programme, which is now completed on Comely Bank Road and will soon be finished on Portgower Place.
The new pavements along Comely Bank Road and Portgower Place are completed and fully open for public access, providing vastly improved footways for the local community. The trees along Comely Bank Road all now have a new tree pit containing specialised tree sand and horonised stones, which will improve drainage and generally enhance the trees' environment.
The sections of low wall along Comely Bank Road will form the front of planters, which will be integral to the public realm that will form part of the development, significantly improving public amenity. In the meantime this area is being protected by the newly erected hoarding.
There is a small amount of final stonework to be completed along Portgower Place, primarily around the new openings that have been created.
RPF would like to thank the local community for their patience whilst these works to improve the local area were bring carried out.